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Teens ages 13-18 are invited to participate in a free virtual summit produced by leading brands and organizations across various industries. Our curriculum, focused on College Prep, Entrepreneurship, and Financial Literacy, is taught by accredited professionals and subject matter experts. Previous sessions have featured experts from esteemed organizations such as Loyola Marymount University, Berkeley University, Gerber Kawasaki Wealth and Investment Management, BuzzFeed, iHeart Media, Perfect Fifth Collective, Upward Bound, and more, ensuring your teen receives top-tier education and guidance.

To engage and excite attendees, each day will conclude with a surprise virtual meet and greet with musical influencers from our celebrity panels. Students who complete the curriculum will not only gain invaluable knowledge but will also be eligible for incentives such as unrestricted scholarships, internships, and exclusive opportunities to meet industry influencers. Graduates will become alumni of Life Summit, granting them access to additional resources and benefits designed to support their continued growth.

To register your teen for Life Summit, please start by filling out this form, which will help us better understand your teen’s needs!

We believe our teens can be skillful and resourceful,
can define their future, and can change the world.

Our Mission

Our Mission

Life Summit's mission is to provide underserved teens with high level resources and skills that aren’t typically taught in primary education, but are needed to succeed in life.

Computer Learning
Young Blogger

Our Vision

Our vision is simple, to invest in our future leaders and to equip them with the life skills necessary to advance in LIFE!

Sign up for Life Summit and be part of the magic!

Life Summit

Providing underserved teens with high level resources and skills that aren’t typically taught in primary education, but are needed to succeed in life!


Life Summit Is A Registered 501(c)(3) Charity

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 2024 All rights reserved by Life Summit 501(c)(3). Powered and secured by Perfect Fifth Collective 

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